Chicago Attorney at Law
Divorce - Family Law
No one should have to face divorce or any other family law matter without the support of a caring and capable attorney. That is why you should take a moment to contact Christopher P. Buchcar to set up a free consultation, who will truly care for you and for the outcome of your case. By seeking out the help of Attorney Christopher P. Buchcar, you can breathe easier knowing that you will have an aggressive, compassionate, and thorough lawyer on your side that is always looking out for your best interests.You need to be confident that you are receiving the legal representation that you deserve.
When a couple decides to divorce, there are many more decisions that will need to be made before the termination of the marriage can be officially completed. The division of property, the establishment of spousal support, and an attendance to any prenuptial agreements will all need to be addressed and agreed upon by both parties before the process is finalized. These issues can be further complicated when the dissolution of a marriage is contested. Unlike uncontested divorces, these cases usually require a lot more direct attention and mediation from the lawyers involved in the case. Furthermore, splitting couples who choose to legally separate or annul their marriage will need to ensure that their choice of an attorney is one that can knowledgeably attend to any and every issue that may arise in the process.
Areas of Law Practice:
-Child Custody
-Child Support
-Legal Separation
-Uncontested Divorce
-Property Division
-Spousal Support
Contact experienced Lawyer Christopher P. Buchcar today.